Authors |
Podrezov Denis Rustamovich, Applicant, sub-department of automated control systems, MISIS National University of Science and Technology (4 Leninsky avenue, Moscow, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The work carried out a comprehensive analysis system connection the main technical and technological parameters operation technological units of the underground well leaching mine uranium.
Materials and methods. The analysis was based on the development an information model technological wells operation, which allowed to determine the relationships between the main volume and quality development indicators of reserves at the field, such as: mining mass volumes; the opened stocks volumes; metal extraction; average uranium concentration; an ore interval size.
Results. The geological and technological information analysis carried out within the framework information model developed, as well as evolution assessment reserves during the development the field blocks showed that 76% the functioning technological blocks at the field show re-attraction by actual indicators or expected in the near future by forecast estimates. In order to adequately estimate the technological unit’s reserves, the initial set factor features determining the opened reserves volumes and the production volumes at the field was formed: effective capacity interval acidified productive horizon; unit process wells grouping; the technological block area.
Conclusions. The inventory conversion results showed that the actual uranium reserves in the subsoil did not correspond to the actual development. In addition, it was found that the exposed reserves systematic underestimation was also related to the uranium content calculation in ore intervals, which is, to the radioactive equilibrium coefficient taken into account value.
References |
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